In this message, we finish up the book of Acts and see that Paul’s life was all about Jesus.
In this message, Paul is defending himself against the authorities and he tells them about how Jesus showed up and challenged him.
In this message we learn from Paul as believers we should testify about the facts and the truth.
In this message we learn from Paul in Acts 22 how to share our personal testimony.
In this message, we learn how to persevere.
In Paul’s farewell address to the church elders in Ephesus, he identifies 9 things that should mark our ministry and Christian life.
In this message, we learn what can happen when the things that we love are challenged.
In this message, we deal with sign gifts and spiritual warfare.
In this message, Paul is at Ephesus where God opens a door for the gospel work.
In this message, Paul is discouraged by the Jewish people he is preaching to but the Lord encourages him.
"…making disciples of Jesus Christ"