Mark 10:1-12 Jesus teaches on marriage and divorce.
Category Archives: Media
“Avoid Sin”
Mark 9:42-50 Jesus teaches about how a Christian needs to avoid sin.
“Obey and See”
Mark 11:1-11 The disciples obeyed the call of Jesus and saw that it worked out. We should obey the call of Jesus and trust that things will work out.
“Nobodies are Somebodies”
Mark 9:30-41 Jesus teaches the disciples that “somebodies” serve others.
“Prayer Possibilities”
Mark 9:14-29 Through prayer Jesus can take care of our problems and conflicts.
“Change of Perspective”
Mark 9:1-13 The transfiguration illustrates the Kingdom of God. When we focus in on the Kingdom our perspective is change.
“Meaning of Life”
Mark 8:34-38 A message about how a Christian should live their life.
“The Core of the Gospel”
Mark 8:27-33 A message about the gospel and how we keep our mind on things of God.
“Spiritual Blindness”
Mark 8:11-26 A message about Jesus healing spiritual blindness
“Grace & Power”
Mark 7:24-8:10 A message about Jesus using His grace and power on the Gentiles.
*note the audio on this file is poor. sorry