All posts by mike

“The Word”

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A message about the importance of God’s Word.

Note: Intro of sermon was cut off.

If you are new to reading the Bible I would recommend start by reading the New Testament book of John. If you are a little more familiar with the Bible and do not read daily I would suggest to start reading the New Testament, start in Matthew and commit to reading 1 to 2 chapters a day. The important thing is try not to skip a day but if you do don’t beat yourself up, pick up where you left off and keep on going.

Here are some online resources that I like.
For a quick search of words and phrases in the Bible go to Bible Gateway

For deeper study see what pastors and theologians are recommending at Best Commentaries

For free online commentaries and other resources go to CCEL

For a dialy devotional go to Our Daily Bread

For answers to questions and difficult Bible passages go to Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry

If you have an iphone there are tons of apps that can help you in your study. Search the app store on your phone. Also itunes has some great podcasts and resources.

email me at if you have any questions or need some advice. God Bless, Pastor Mike

“His Name is Jesus”

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Psalm 118 A Psalm of praise that reminds us of the love of the Lord Jesus and what He is capable of giving us.

“Preserved by Jesus”

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Psalm 16 “Preserved by Jesus”

A message about how in troubled times of life we need to take refuge in Jesus.