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All posts by mike
“Nobodies are Somebodies”
Mark 9:30-41 Jesus teaches the disciples that “somebodies” serve others.
“Prayer Possibilities”
Mark 9:14-29 Through prayer Jesus can take care of our problems and conflicts.
“Change of Perspective”
Mark 9:1-13 The transfiguration illustrates the Kingdom of God. When we focus in on the Kingdom our perspective is change.
“Meaning of Life”
Mark 8:34-38 A message about how a Christian should live their life.
“The Core of the Gospel”
Mark 8:27-33 A message about the gospel and how we keep our mind on things of God.
“Spiritual Blindness”
Mark 8:11-26 A message about Jesus healing spiritual blindness
“Grace & Power”
Mark 7:24-8:10 A message about Jesus using His grace and power on the Gentiles.
*note the audio on this file is poor. sorry
“Useless Traditions”
Mark 7:1-23 A message about how man’s traditions cannot fix our heart problem, only Jesus can.
“The Provision of Jesus”
A message about not acting in fear and trusting in the provision of Jesus.