Ruth 2:1-12 We learn about what happens when we take action as Christians. Scroll down for video.
All posts by mike
“Bitterness” Ruth Part 3
“Loyalty”: Ruth Part 2
“Running From Problems”: Ruth Part 1
Ruth Series Part 1 In Ruth 1:1-7 we meet a family that is running from famine in the land that God gave them. Through this message we learn why we should not run from problems and why we should run to Jesus with the problem.
Running From Problems: Ruth Part 1 from FRBC on Vimeo.
Steve Carvalho
Our Youth Pastor Steve preached from Philippians 1:1-11
Community Group Questions for 9/2/2012:
1. Do you consider yourself a slave for Jesus? Why or Why not?
2. How are you trying to keep joy in your life despite the circumstances you may find yourself in. Do you have anyone to help you with this?
3. Are you excited for the work that God is doing through FRBC? What are some ways you can help in the advancement of the gospel?
4. What are some evidences in your life that God is not done with you yet?
5. Are cultivating right relationships with others? How?
“Low Moments”
Mark 14:26-31 & 66-72 In our final message in the Gospel of Mark we see Peter’s lowest moment and through that we learn how to deal with our low moments in life.
“Giving Your Best to Jesus”
Mark 14:1-9 In this message we learn about giving our best to Jesus from the account of Mary who gave her best to Jesus.
Community Groups
We are looking to kick off some new Community Groups this Fall and need your help. We need people to open up their home to host these groups. Click the link to watch a short video and find out what people are saying about Community Groups.
Community Groups Video
Mark 13:28-37 A message about how we should live in view of the fact that Jesus could come at any time.
Mark 13:14-27 A message about the tribulation.