In Romans 8:1-27 we learn about how we can live by the Holy Spirit.
All posts by mike
Pastor Steve Carvalho
“The Law”
In Romans 7 we learn that following “The Law” will not bring about sanctification.
“In Adam or In Christ?”
In Romans 5:12-21 we learn how to use or lose things that we normally draw identity from for the glory of God.
“Old, Jesus, New” Easter 2013
In Romans 5:6-11 we learn about how Jesus responds to us and makes us new!
“Justification” Part 2
In Romans 4:17-5:5 we learn that justification brings life and has blessings.
“Justification” Part 1
In Romans 4:1-16 we learn that justification is by faith and rests on grace.
In Romans 3:1-31 we learn about how the law has advantages and disadvantages but in Jesus we have the ultimate advantage.
“The Judge”
In romans chapter 2 we learn about God as our judge and how the moral and religious will all be judged.