Church Picnic September 29th

On Sunday September 29th we will have our church picnic!

Details: We will have one worship service on the front lawn of the church at 10:30 am and the church picnic right after service. There will be no nursery or Sunday School.

Bring a lawn chair and the side or dessert you signed up for. When you arrive at church please park where you can (we can double park cars in the back grass corners of the church property), bring your side or dessert in to the sanctuary and visit the welcome table outside to pick up your bulletin and name tag. Then head out to the front lawn and set up your chair for service.

After the worship service we will have buffet lines into the sanctuary to pick up your lunch and then head back out to the front lawn for the picnic.

We are excited to have an opportunity for our entire church to get together for fellowship!

"…making disciples of Jesus Christ"